We are so excited to share this show with you today! This is Momentum’s 15th Anniversary Season and we couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate then to rock out to the music that has captivated generations of fans and inspired countless artists - Queen. We are honored and delighted to be working with some of Anchorage’s top musicians and vocalists who bring out all the playful, humorous, sincere, and bad-ass energy of those Queen songs you know and love. We hope you take note of these talented artists and continue to seek them out in shows and concerts across Anchorage. They truly rock!
We want our work to inspire, uplift and make us all feel more connected to our community, where art can have an impact that goes beyond the theatre. We have been honored to work with our new friends at the Alaska AIDS Assistance Association (Four A’s) to carry on the philanthropic support to fight HIV/AIDS that Queen continues today. A portion of each of your tickets will be donated to Four A’s and we are grateful for those who were able to give even more at purchase. I hope this show inspires you to look closer at the mission and and incredible work the Four A’s does for our community.
Rhapsody draws together the elements that have given Momentum its voice for 15 years. It’s a highly energetic, collaborative, genuine, genre-mixing good time, where everyone can belong. We’re so glad you’re here tonight. Thank you for supporting dance and live performing arts in Anchorage!
Set List
All music written and originally recorded by Queen.
This concert is rocked by Alex Cruver (Keys), Kade Bissel (Drums), Heidi Herbert-Lovern (Bass), Karl Wilhelmi (Guitar)
1. Don’t Stop Me Now
Choreography Ariel Graham Lead Vocalist | Zaide Manzano Dancers | Katie Allison, Erinn Crosby Dirth, Karlyn Glidewell, Cara Rude, Kelsey Schober
2. Fat Bottom Girls
Choreography by Therese Holtz Lead Vocalist | Mercedes Arciniega Dancers Therese Holtz, Becky Kendall, Brenna McCarthy, Oliviah Meneses, Greta Nelson
3. Bicycle Race
Choreography by Becky Kendall Lead Vocalist| Kendra Arciniega Dancers | Full Company
4. Crazy Little thing called love
Choreography by Beth Daly Gamble Lead Vocalist | Kat Moore Dancers Katie Allison, Amy Kofoid, Beth Daly Gamble, Therese Holtz, Cara Rude, Kelsey Schober, Stephanie Stepp
5. under pressure
Choreography by Karlyn Glidewell Lead Vocalists| Mercedes Arciniega & Denali Romero Dancers | Irenerose Castillo, Erinn Crosby Dirth, Jessie Embley, Ariel Graham, Maggie Gray, Becky Kendall, , Amy Kofoid, Bonnie Moring, Greta Nelson
6. kiiller queen
Choreography by Beth Daly Gamble Lead Vocalist| Kendra Arciniega Dancers | Therese Holtz aka Killer Queen, Katie Allison, Beth Daly Gamble, Karlyn Glidewell, Ariel Graham, Amy Kofoid, Greta Nelson, Cara Rude
7. hammer to fall
Choreography by Kelsey Schober Lead Vocalist | Kat Moore Dancers Erinn Crosby Dirth, Beth Daly Gamble, Maggie Gray, Becky Kendall, Bonnie Moring, Cara Rude, Stephanie Stepp
8. I want it all
Choreography by Bonnie Moring Lead Vocalist | Denali Romero Dancers | Katie Allison, Irenerose Castillo, Jessie Embley, Taylor Hicks, Oliviah Meneses, Ashley Roylance
9. Bohemian rhapsody
Choreography by Irenerose Castillo, Taylor Hicks, with Maia Draper-Reich Lead Vocalist | ALL Dancers | Full Company
10. We Will Rock you
Choreography by Greta Nelson in collaboration with Karlyn Glidewell and Taylor Hicks Lead Vocalist | Mercedes Arciniega Dancers | Full Company
11. We are the champions
Choreography by Taylor Hicks Lead Vocalist | Zaide Manzano Dancers | Katie Allison, Irenerose Castillo, Erinn Crosby Dirth, Jessie Embley, Beth Daly Gamble, Karlyn Glidewell, Ariel Graham, Taylor Hicks, Therese Holtz, Becky Kendall, Amy Kofoid, Bonnie Moring, Greta Nelson, Cara Rude, Stephanie Stepp
12. Body language
Choreography by Jessie Embley Lead Vocalist | Denali Romero Dancers | Katie Allison, Maggie Gray, Taylor Hicks, Oliviah Meneses, Bonnie Moring, Stephanie Stepp, with Jessie Embley
13. i want to break free
Choreography by Amy Kofoid Lead Vocalist | Zaide Manzano Dancers | Jessie Embley, Beth Daly Gamble, Karlyn Glidewell, Ariel Graham, Maggie Gray, Therese Holtz, Becky Kendall, Amy Kofoid, Greta Nelson
14. Love of my life
Choreography by Irenerose Castillo Vocalist | Denali Romero Dancers | Katie Allison, Erinn Crosby Dirth, Brenna McCarthy, Ashely Roylance, Stephanie Stepp
15. Somebody to love
Choreography by Stephanie Stepp Lead Vocalist | Zaide Manzano Dancers | Erinn Crosby Dirth, Jessie Embley, Maggie Gray, Therese Holtz, Bonnie Moring, Ashley Roylance, Cara Rude
16. Another one bites the dust
Choreography by Erinn Crosby Dirth, with Maia Draper-Reich & Dancers Lead Vocalist | Mercedes Arciniega Dancers | Maggie Gray, Taylor Hicks, Oliviah Meneses, Bonnie Moring, Greta Nelson, Kelsey Schober, Stephanie Stepp
17. You’re my Best Friend
Choreographed & Performed by Irenerose Castillo, Jessie Embley, Beth Daly Gamble, Ariel Graham, Therese Holtz, Becky Kendall Lead Vocalist | Kat Moore
18. Radio Ga Ga
Choreography by Maia Draper-Reich with help from Greta Nelson Lead Vocalist | ALL Dancers | Featuring Erinn Crosby Dirth, Taylor Hicks, Oliviah Meneses, Kelsey Schober and including The Full Company

Concert Crew
Technical director | Dan Anteau
Stage Manager | Alicia Marie Brown
Live sound engineer | Jamie Aiden Green
Follow Spot Operator | Kylie Anteau
Musical Director | Alex cruver
Lighting Crew | David Fink, Ellie Moore,
and Donna Strait
Rhapsody Dancers
Rhapsody Band
Alex Cruver | Band Director, Keys
Karl Wilhelmi | Guitar
Heidi Herbert-Lovern | Bass
Kade Bissel |Drums
Rhapsody Vocalists
Special Thanks
We couldn’t do this show without many BIG thank you's! Thank you to our volunteers - Royal Chukwaka, Suri Devillena, Bree James, Kyla Embley, Sophia Martin Hollar, Collette Moring, Suparat Prasannet, Linda Domjan, Zoe Hartlieb, Taytum Embley, Cody Allison, Lucy Gamble, Drake Holtz, Luke Holtz, Crosby Hartlieb, and Karissa Dupree. Thank you to Lori Bradford for your support and sewing skills, to Dan Anteau and Jill Flanders Crosby for your dedication to the dance community, to Alex Troutman, Bryan Pentecostes and Chris Avessuk for making us look good on camera, for our partners, children, family and friends for your support and patience of our long hours in the theatre, thank you to Robin Lutz and the whole team at Four A's for your partnership, to our Board of Directors for their leadership, to all of our individual donors and our funders - your generosity is deeply felt and appreciated. Thank you Atwood Foundation and The Alaska State Council on the Arts for supporting us and supporting dance and live performing arts in Anchorage. Thank you (YOU!) for being here with us today for our production of Rhapsody.
And our deepest gratitude to Queen, to Brian May, John Deacon, Roger Taylor, and of course Freddie Mercury, for their inspiration and artistry.